RePowers intends to transform obsolete petrol stations into personal, mental and physical energy stations for our customers. They will be designed using technologies and materials that are innovative and sustainable, with the objective of putting people first and ensuring a totally pleasurable experience. Naturally, our core business will not be overlooked, that is, to charge the car in a timely way or to offer the use car sharing on a temporary basis.
In the future, there will be more and more demand for our time, and finding time to recharge our spirits and bodies will be more and more difficult. Moreover, from 2030 onwards we will see a substantial and accelerated conversion from a petroleum-based transport system to one based on electricity and alternative fuels. This will require many people to stay for at least 30-60 minutes at the electric charging station in order to continue on with their day.
Inevitably, many petrol stations will become mini-malls or small bistros and many will close. What would be the best way to utilise our time spent at charging stations?
Service stations could become a place to recharge yourself and take advantage of the "wasted" time you spend during the refuelling of your car. You could eat a meal or rest in a special room, receive innovative wellness treatments, monitor your health through body care screening, or could work - by printing an email or using a PC station. All this, in exterior and interior environments where natural and ecological materials (wood, stone, etc.), with all their beneficial effects on us, predominate.
Going "to fill up with petrol" will become an experience. Each filling station will be equipped with various services, depending on the vision and business mission of the financial backers, but one element they all would have in common will be their official requalification, including greenwashing and an ecologically sustainable redesign, to breathe new life into them.
But how can we guarantee that all petrol stations can afford qualified personnel and suitably sustainable environments? It will be indispensable to implement all of the staff's needed and existing soft skills, such as teamwork, problem-solving capabilities, etc., to optimise the performance of each RePowers Station. Tecnoclima Architectural Studio, Luca Giordano & Partners, Lugano